12 Minutes to Zendesk...Zen? We Show You How.
Clarity can emerge from support ticket chaos.
We like Zendesk. In fact we use it ourselves. But as is the case when sitting in the front row of a movie theater, it can be difficult to see the whole picture when you’re too close. Even when it’s a movie starring you and your company.
Ticketing platforms can tell us how many tickets have been submitted for various products, what reasons customers contact us for, and a few other details, but without reading each and every ticket personally, many of the nuances and important trends they portray are going to be missed.
What if you could read all of your Zendesk tickets, learn from them, and then base your product development on targets that your customers identify?
Now SupporTrends can do just that, quickly and automatically, using our reactive language processing platform. What makes it reactive? It adapts to the jargon of your business and immediately surfaces important insights in the words of your customers. All with little-to-no setup required.
Don’t believe us? Recently we had a customer find our app listing on the Zendesk Marketplace, sign up for a SupporTrends account, and successfully configure their Zendesk account to communicate with it. All within 12 minutes.
Nearly 6,000 conversations were automatically processed that first day, with overall product trends shifting into clear focus. After 30 days, our platform had identified the most common topics contained in over 140,000 customer conversations, all with very little human involvement.
In addition to highlighting overall ticket volume and sentiment trends…
…we encouraged deeper dives into the specific products, partners, and features that affected customer satisfaction. As an example, we compared the sentiment of customers who purchased honey-flavored cereal to that of customers who purchased body wash during the month of February.
Well, cereal customers showed up much happier than body wash customers! Does this mean we should all eat more cereal? Is cereal a better product than body wash? Is there a correlation between bathing and happiness?
It’s quite possible! Thankfully, the data points to at least a few problems that are easier to solve though. Body wash discussions often contained one of three strong negative influencers - two topics and one product - each of which conspired to bring the overall score down. Offer eligibility, receipt re-submission, and hand soap all appeared problematic and, combined, surfaced in 29.9% of the discussions about body wash.
“Body Wash” negative influencers
In other words, nearly a third of the customers who reached out for support likely did so for reasons related to one of these three things! Honey cereal, on the other hand, contained only one significant negative influencer: the same receipt re-submission topic as body wash. In this case, however, it turned up only 3.2% of the time, not nearly enough to have a meaningful impact on the overall score.
Taking things one step further, we found it intriguing that Hand soap would be discussed in the context of body wash so many times. As it turned out, customers were confused by the specifics of a certain promotion - bar soap and hand soap versus body wash - and this confusion bubbled up in many of the conversations.
Details like these are why simple customer satisfaction indexes - be it NPS, CSAT, Customer Effort, or something else - only begin to tell the story. Had one of these metrics been used to describe the situation above, it would have simply told us that customers were happier with honey-flavored cereal than body wash. Not wrong, but not really right either.
With automated insight from SupporTrends, we can see more than just the proverbial tip of the iceberg and dive below the surface to see the whole picture. Find out how…in as little as 12 minutes.
Install the plug-in here today, or inquire below to learn more.